A Influência da Motivação na Intenção de Escolha de um Destino Turístico em Tempo de Crise Económica

Adriana Silva Rodrigues, Jesús Varela Mallou


This study´s main purpose was to appraise the influence of the motivational factors Push and Pull (Dann, 1977), when aiming to choose a touristic destination in a critical time for the Portuguese economy. The data were obtained through the filling-in of a self-administered survey, which remained available in the Internet from February 26th to April 8th, 2011. 160 valid questionnaires were obtained, out of which only 158 were considered, given that they were the ones that showed an interest in travelling to a holiday destination in 2011. Through factor analysis we were able to identify four components in the Pull factors: Novelty and knowledge-seeking; Rest; Thrill & Adventure; Socialization.  There were also identified four components in the Push factors: Climate and Hospitality; Shopping and Leisure; Nature and Culture; Social Environment. Most of the respondents are clearly more prone to the Pull factors than to the Push ones in a time of economic crisis. The influence of emotions in the choice of a destination was analyzed, but no valid statistic relation was found. As for the economic crisis, it is clear that the respondents tend to choose cheaper destinations to save money. However, despite the evidence of a trend in the analysis of the data which actually met the expectations, given the size of the sample, we cannot apply them to the overall population.


motivação turística; escolha destino; crise económica.

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