The Impact of Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) on Visit Intention within the Framework of the Information Adoption Model: A Study on Instagram Users.
Today, social media posts have an important role in tourists' intentions to visit destinations. In this context, the need for research examining the impact of the role of social media on tourists' travel intentions is increasing day by day. This study investigates how Instagram users adopt electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) and its impact on visit intention within the framework of the Information Adoption Model (IAM). In this context, argument quality, source credibility, and need for information are identified as precursors to information usefulness. The study explores the adoption of this information and its transformation into visit intention. Data were obtained from a sample of 776 individuals who used Instagram between February and May 2023 and subsequently visited destinations shared on the platform. The data were analyzed with the structural equation model using the R program. Argument quality and need for information have a significant effect on information usefulness, while source credibility has no significant effect. Moreover, information usefulness has a significant effect on information adoption and information adoption has a significant effect on visit intention. In this context, practical recommendations are provided for tourism managers and those interested in the field to emphasize eWOM on platforms like Instagram and use them as tools for promoting and marketing destinations.
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International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media
ISSN: 2182-9306
DOI: 10.54663/2182-9306
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