Center of Portugal Tourism: Effects of Video Advertisements on Positive Emotions and Narrative Transportation
Nowadays, it is possible to acknowledge the appeal of online platforms for advertising or the growing popularity of videos as a form of viewer engagement and entertainment. In video advertising, the narrative framework significantly impacts how the message is interpreted, particularly when storytelling techniques are applied. Moreover, the advertising's message quality and format directly impact consumers' intention to purchase. Recently, short movies have become very popular and offer much promise for marketing travel. The way that the advertisement presents the location can have a significant impact on how people feel towards the said destination. Through the creation of compelling advertisements, marketers can significantly impact customers' feelings, piquing their interest in destinations. The main objective of this study is to analyze the influence of advertising design and narrative structure on narrative transportation and positive emotions. The influence of narrative transportation on positive emotions is also analyzed. A total of 906 responses were gathered for the study, and the data were analyzed using structural equation modeling and the SMART-PLS program. All the hypotheses that were tested were confirmed, indicating that the narrative structure, transportation, and advertisement design all had a significant impact on the development of positive feelings in the viewers of the promotional videos. Therefore, the narrative and design of the advertising influence the positive emotions of tourists who see this commercial. These findings bolster the body of knowledge regarding using narratives in travel videos and imply that promotional videos can effectively accomplish destination marketing. Moreover, these carry repercussions for marketing professionals, giving them invaluable guidance on producing compelling and memorable content for travel-related videos.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Sara Santos, Maria Vasconcelos, Sónia Ferreira, Luísa Augusto, Pedro Espírito Santo

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International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media
ISSN: 2182-9306
DOI: 10.54663/2182-9306
Qualis Periódicos - CAPES: B2