From Customer Orientation to Competitive Edge: Unpacking Bank Performance Dynamics.
In this research, a focus was made on competitive advantage to act as a mediator of customers’ consequences about company performances. A lack of research exists on the degree to which orientation towards customer influences bank performance through competitive gain in emerging economies of eastern Africa. The present investigation tried to do research to close the above-mentioned gap from an Ethiopian perspective. An answer was collected by administering a survey questionnaire on the 392 CBE consumers drawn in the sampled southern Ethiopia region of Dilla District. Based on the Structural Model Evaluation using SEM with software support SPSS and AMOS edition 26, the collected data were checked for the supposed correlation of the two variables mentioned in the hypotheses. The result depicted that, by competitive advantage negotiation business’s customer orientation had a positive and significant effect on the performance. Closely related, client orientation should be implemented by commercial banks to enhance competitive advantage according to the findings obtained in this research study is client orientation.
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International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media
ISSN: 2182-9306
DOI: 10.54663/2182-9306
Qualis Periódicos - CAPES: B2