YouTuber Credibility and healthy food purchase

Rubén Soto, Inés Küster, Natalia Vila


In the healthy eating context, this paper focuses on those factors that allow YouTubers to persuade their followers to modify their purchasing attitudes toward a healthy lifestyle. This study investigates the relationship between the dimensions of credibility and the parasocial interaction in the popularity of content creators. Additionally, it investigates the existing relationship between the popularity of food YouTubers comparison with the audience’s purchase intention of healthy food. With a sample of 500 healthy food YouTube content consumers and the use of structural equation modeling, the results show that the parasocial relationship between the YouTuber and the audience strongly influences the YouTuber's popularity and positively impacts the purchase intention of products related to healthy eating. The implications can focus on (1) companies in this industry would be recommended to put faith in handsome influencers with the ability to generate interactions through their videos, (2) a generalist mass marketing strategy would not be valid, but rather we would have to address the audiences in which the content creator shares a greater parasocial interaction, and (3) it would be recommended to use the most popular YouTubers, that is, with more followers and a greater number of reproductions in their videos, above experts, nutritionists, or other profiles that despite their abilities do not have this large number of followers. Because of the lack of studies concerning this topic, this research explores more in-depth the different factors that influence the popularity of a YouTuber to influence his or her audience and engage them to buy a specific type of product. We try to contribute to the existing literature about influencer marketing. 




Parasocial relationships; online popularity; purchase intention; YouTubers influencers; healthy eating

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International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media

ISSN: 2182-9306

DOI: 10.54663/2182-9306

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