The Concept of M-Commerce Customer Experience: How Retail Mobile Apps Can Change the Game
The present study aims to uncover the factors influencing customer experience while buying from retail mobile apps by evaluating design principles from the designers' perspective and validating them with user feedback. In stage one, the authors used in-depth interviews and a grounded theory approach to creating Retail mobile apps Customer experience theory. In this regard, a total of 24 interviews were conducted. After performing the three coding steps using MAXQDA software, the final research model was obtained. In stage two, Data was obtained from users of retail mobile apps to test the theory, and the questionnaire survey method was used. Finally in order to evaluate the derived model, structural equation modeling was done using the partial least square technique (PLS-SEM). The researchers have developed "Retail mobile apps Customer experience theory" based on their data analysis. The theory emphasizes the crucial role played by mobile app designers in shaping the future requirements and desires of customers, as well as meeting their current demands through effective interaction. This highlights the importance of mobile app designers in developing customer experience.
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International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media
ISSN: 2182-9306
DOI: 10.54663/2182-9306
Qualis Periódicos - CAPES: B2