An Experimental Investigation of the Impact of Different Advertising Formats on Children’s Attitudes’ Towards Sports Brands
The study aims to investigate children’s attitude towards different advertising formats including TV ads, in-movie product placement and in-game advertisements, using a web-based between subjects’ experimental design among a sample of Egyptian children aged between 6 to 13 years. Children’s attitude development by advertising efforts is considered under investigated in literature particularly in Arab cultures and as they are considered as powerful influencers to parents’ purchase decisions, the study contributes to a better understanding of children’s attitudes that will guide mangers in making wiser advertising budget allocation. The results showed that there is a significant different impact of the investigated advertising formats on children’s attitude towards sports brands with higher cognitive, affective and behavioral responses resulted from the exposure to traditional video advertising compared to in-movie product placement and in-game advertisements.
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International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media
ISSN: 2182-9306
DOI: 10.54663/2182-9306
Qualis Periódicos - CAPES: B2