Wine Tourism Experience in the Tejo Region: The influence of sensory impressions on post-visit behaviour intentions

Vasco Santos, Ana Caldeira, Eulália Santos, Simão Oliveira, Paulo Ramos


Purpose – This study aims to explore the influence of the wine tourism experience on visitors’ memorable sensory impressions, and the effects of these impressions on their recommendation and loyalty intentions.

Design/methodology/approach – 306 usable questionnaires were collected from national and international wine tourists during their visits to the Tejo wine region. A structural equation model analysis was performed using PLS, to test the validity of the constructs and the model hypotheses.

Findings – The structural equation model results revealed a differentiated impact of the various sensory impressions on future behavioural intentions, suggesting that wineries should attract tourists by more than visual elements and taste-flavour activities alone.

Research limitations – The data were collected from only one wine tourism region. Future studies can investigate sensory impressions relating to winery and wine cellar visits in a cross‐cultural context, covering a wider spread of wine regions in Portugal and abroad.

Practical implications – This paper provides wine tourism managers with valuable information on how cellar and winery experiences can be improved across a range of different sensory impression dimensions.

Originality/value – This paper is the first to empirically test wine tourist the impact of the different sensory impressions on post-visit behaviour intentions in the context of the wine tourism experience.


wine tourism experience, sensory impressions, behavioural intentions, recommendation, loyalty, structural equation modelling (SEM)

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DOI: 10.54663/2182-9306

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