Adolescent’s Perception of his Influence on Family Vacations Purchase Decisions: A consumer socialization perspective
The adolescent is undoubtedly a relevant element in family purchases. However, he has been considered less participatory in the purchasing decision phase. In this context, services for family use have been less studied. Thus, the main purpose of this research is to study adolescent’s influence on family vacations purchase decisions.
In the empirical phase, several high schools were contacted in Lisbon district, Portugal. 1,000 questionnaires were delivered in classrooms during May 2018. Adolescents were instructed to respond to the questionnaires during the class, and 726 validated questionnaires were returned.
The analysis of logistic regression results point to parental communication style, television influence, adolescent’s service knowledge, and adolescent’s age as purchase relevant explanatory variables. These results are innovative in the study of family purchase decisions.
The present research provides several contributions to this area of knowledge. First, it reinforces the importance of considering the adolescent participation on the final decision of family purchases for family use, which is innovative compared to past literature.
Second, the results point to the relevance of including parental communication style, television influence, adolescent’s service knowledge, and adolescent’s age as explanatory variables of adolescent’s influence on family vacations purchases.
The present research also offers a contribution to marketers by providing evidence of the adolescent´s influence on family vacations purchase decisions. Given the adolescents relevance on family decisions, it is important that marketers adopt strategies adjusted to family profiles, and that companies focus their efforts on adolescent satisfaction.
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International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media
ISSN: 2182-9306
DOI: 10.54663/2182-9306
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