The Role of Digital Marketing: A perspective from Porto Hotels’ Managers.

Rita Abreu Leite, António Azevedo


The role of internet in the purchasing behavior of tourists led to a modification in marketing plans that became increasingly digital. This study aims to identify how managers of the hospitality industry use digital marketing, as a marketing tool.This study adopted a qualitative methodology comprising: a) the analysis of the online presence - website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TripAdvisor - of the 59 four and five stars establishments of Porto; b) semi-structured interviews that were conducted to managers and marketers of the 32 hotels in study. Digital marketing tools provide numerous benefits to the hospitality industry. However, managers still do not take advantage of their full potential. In digital marketing the performance indicators are always evolving. Although the data were collected at the end of 2016, we think that the conclusions and recommendations still are updated and relevant. This study suggests some recommendations for improving the digital marketing performance of Porto hotels. Although adopting a case-study approach, this paper provides an extensive assessment of digital marketing communication mix regarding the luxury segment of hotel industry. Moreover, this assessment is made for all units within a city scale.


Hospitality management; Hotel industry; Digital Marketing; Social Networks; Porto; city-break tourism

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International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media

ISSN: 2182-9306

DOI: 10.54663/2182-9306

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