Dynamic Marketing through Engagement: Answering the role of marketing functions.
The offline to online marketing system (O2O) in this article provides a new perspective on marketing strategies to address the role of marketing functions in Dynamic Marketing Capabilities (DMC's) through Engagement. The originality of this research lies in the development of new concepts through the synthesis of theories that support the findings of the new concept of Dynamic Marketing through Engagement (DME). This concept is expected to be contributed to strengthening the theoretical basis of Dynamic Marketing Capabilities (DMC's) and Actor Engagement as a sustainable competitive advantage. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the role nature of the Dynamic Marketing Engagement (DME) concept in marketing perspective as a management strategy to achieve and maintain a sustainable competitive advantage in improving business performance. Data was collected from owners, managers, or business owners and SME managers who do two marketing systems from offline to online; the distribution of questionnaires was done via email and social media (facebook) to 300 SMEs all over Indonesia and interviewed 30 SMEs in Banyumas Regency, Central Java-Indonesia. The findings justify the previous research gap that dynamic capabilities, actors' engagement and performance are still a contradiction among the results of the study. In addition, there is still a gap phenomenon on improving business performance in SMEs on both offline marketing systems to online. Nevertheless, the concept of Dynamic Marketing Engagement positively improves the business performance of SMEs.
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International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media
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