Evolving factors influencing consumers' attitudes toward social media marketing and its impact on social media usage

M. Sadiq Sohail, Ibrahim Al-Jabri


This study aims to increase understanding of the factors affecting consumer attitudes towards social media marketing and the use of social media. Reviewing theories of reasoned action approach, the paper proposes a research model, which examines the determinants of consumer attitudes towards the use of social media marketing and consequent impact on social media use. Data for the study was collected from 372 consumers in Saudi Arabia. Using the Partial Least Square method, the model was tested using a two-stage process, model evaluation and testing the significance of the model. The findings support most of the hypotheses. In summary, of the nine hypotheses tested, six were supported, while three were not. The findings broaden and deepen our understanding of the factors affecting consumer attitudes towards marketing with social media and use in Saudi Arabia. The results have useful implications to marketers, who are increasingly using social media as a business strategy. The paper discusses the implications of the finding and provides direction for future research. Marketing through social media particularly in the Arab region is not well understood due to paucity of research in this area. This paper bridges the research and knowledge gap.


social media; social media marketing; consumer attitudes; social media use; Saudi Arabia.

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International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media

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DOI: 10.54663/2182-9306

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