The brand management: a perspective applied in the context of sports media
The main objective of this study is to analyze the brand management approach applied to sports media context. Thus, in particular, the research proposed aims to present a contribution to the study and management of the brand in a perspective applied to the sports daily press environment in Portugal, in particular on physical and psychological brand identity. So he proceeded to lifting elements and publication of the subproducts, with a view to analyzing and understanding of key aspects of brand management (case study: O Jogo).
The brand management is unquestionably one of the aspects on which many researchers have dedicated attention, as this was something that in addition to facilitate recognition, improving the loyalty and increasing notoriety. It is of course an asset for the company, which will allow products that identify and differentiate them from the competition. Besides the undeniable connection with the component product (marketing mix), the study of the brand requires attention to various kinds of concepts, no less important (e.g. image, notoriety or identity). Recently have been new approaches and new contributions in this regard. This paper presents and systematizes some of these contributions, an application of the optical particular case of sports media in which the communication elements are particularly important (e.g. logo, signature, colors, slogans, values and symbols). Thus, the scope of a theme as brand management allows to study fundamental aspects of the brand (i.e. to establish the relationship with marketing mix strategy).
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International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media
ISSN: 2182-9306
DOI: 10.54663/2182-9306
Qualis Periódicos - CAPES: B2