Opinion Aggregator Platforms in the Restaurant Sector: Experience, Relation and Satisfaction of the Users
This work intends to understand to what level consumers collect information before going to a restaurant and if they know and use online food Apps for gathering information and restaurants reservation, and above all, if they trust these Apps. To understand consumer trust in online platforms, a set of variables was established with an emphasis on consumer happiness with the experience, consumer satisfaction, online brand relationship, online brand experience, and time availability. We used a quantitative methodology – PLS-SEM and Hayes Process - and data was gathered by an online survey collected in May 2021, for Portuguese consumers. The direct effect of the relations hypothesizes is conforming; however, the moderate effect of time availability only influences the relation between online brand experience and consumer’s happiness with the Apps. This study contributes to fulfilling the gap existing in the research on consumer rating food Apps.
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International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media
ISSN: 2182-9306
DOI: 10.54663/2182-9306
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