Strategies of Marketing in the Internationalization Process of SME: A Case Study on B2B Context

Cláudia Pires Ribau


Business tourism is one of the international marketing and relational, B2B, and services marketing strategies used in the internationalization process of SMEs, with a focus on the success of firms, concerning mainly intangible economic activities. It intends to manage the client relationship to benefit the firms and their stakeholders. However, there is a gap in the literature in this area of research, not only in business tourism but also in the combination of business tourism with SMEs’ internationalization process. As such, this paper aims to understand and identify business tourism in an SME’s internationalization, contributing to a little-explored area. The study includes a descriptive and exploratory approach, set in a case study highlighting business tourism in a SME, integrated in a B2B context. The results suggest that business tourism has a strategic role in the internationalization processes of SMEs, providing a higher performance level and degree of satisfaction and loyalty to its international clients.



International Strategic Marketing; Business Tourism; Internacionlization; SME; Relational Marketing; B2B Marketing; Services Marketing

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International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media

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DOI: 10.54663/2182-9306

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