Popularity and Activity in Social Networks: An analysis of their impact on chinese online series.

Danqing Wang, Juan A. García


The interaction between social media and audiovisual products (series, films, TV programmes, etc.) is frequently analysed in marketing literature. However, no previous study has tackled this question in the case of China, one of the most active countries as regards social media of the type that includes blogs, microblogging networks, social networks, and online communities. This paper analyses the relationship between popularity (measured by the number of fans and the discussion index) and activity (measured by the number of tweets) in Weibo, a microblogging social network, and the number of online reproductions of nine Chinese series. The results obtained have allowed us to conclude that the number of fans and tweets are positively and significantly related to the number of online reproductions of only two series. The results obtained for the other series were either insignificant or contrary to those expected. However, the popularity measurement ‘discussion index in Weibo’ is largely correlated with the online reproductions as expected. These results have allowed us to offer some advice regarding the use of social networks as marketing tools for audiovisual products in China.


Web 2.0; social network; Weibo; online series; China

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International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media

ISSN: 2182-9306

DOI: 10.54663/2182-9306

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