Predicting Facebook Fans’ Continuance Intention to Interact with Facebook Hospitality Company Fan Pages

Hsiu-Yuan Wang


This study proposes and tests a new synthesized model by integrating the expectation-confirmation model, the technology acceptance model, one affective factor and two information-sharing factors to examine fans’ intention to continue interacting with hospitality company pages. Facebook fans from Taiwan are recruited as participants via an Internet survey. Data from 354 usable questionnaires were tested against the research model using the structural equation modeling approach. The results show that satisfaction has the most pronounced effect on fans’ continuance intention, followed sequentially by significant but weaker predictors: perceived enjoyment, perceived usefulness, and attitude. Meanwhile, expected relationships and altruism are both verified as having a notable influence on fans’ continuance intention by affecting their attitude toward company’s page. This study targeted Facebook fans of hospitality business pages. Therefore, a validation using another large sample gathered elsewhere is required to generalize the findings. The findings of this paper can give both page managers and academics an increased understanding of fans’ continuance intention to interact with company fan pages; the results may then be employed as a guideline to develop more appropriate business strategies for hospitality organizations by which to promote their products/services. The proposed model is a new synthesized model; little research has been done on examining Facebook fans’ continuance intention toward interacting with hospitality company fan pages. This study contributes to an understanding of the factors that influence fans’ intention to continue interacting with company fan pages through an empirical investigation, and especially its targeting of fans’ perception.


Facebook fans; Company pages; Synthesized-model

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International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media

ISSN: 2182-9306

DOI: 10.54663/2182-9306

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