The Next Revolution in Mass Customization: An insight into the sneaker market.
In today´s society, the expectations, needs and wishes of customers are among the most important factors in the market. Nowadays, customers know exactly what they want and expect to have the possibility to find a product that completely satisfies their wishes. In order to meet these requirements, many different companies are using the marketing tool of mass customization, which offers the buyer the opportunity to customize a product according to their priorities, at a price orientated by a mass-produced item. Footwear has a huge influence in sport goods companies. The combination of mass customization and sneakers is definitely a trend that offers significant potential for the future and has become an integral part of the consumer market. This article will provide an overview of the marketing tool of mass customization. Furthermore, the main characteristics of the sports market will be analysed. The connection and the compatibility between mass customization and footwear will be illustrated as well. This paper closes with a discussion about the future prospects and further research avenues.
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International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media
ISSN: 2182-9306
DOI: 10.54663/2182-9306
Qualis Periódicos - CAPES: B2