Parcerias Empresariais na Indústria Portuguesa de Mobiliário: um diagnóstico preliminar

Pedro Bruno Mendonça Silva


Purpose - In the current economic context of globalization, business partnerships play a privileged role in corporate strategy, particularly when the size of companies is reduced on a global scale and the governance model is familiar.

Methodology - The present study intends to make a preliminary diagnosis to the business partnerships of the furniture sector in Portugal. To achieve this goal, a questionnaire survey was conducted, which was answered by 76 companies in the sector, mostly located in the North of the country, small and medium-sized enterprises and family structure.

Findings - The results indicate that partnerships are sought by entrepreneurs mainly for the benefits they generate and the possibility of sharing resources and skills. In addition, the results show that managers are aware of the risks involved in entering into such agreements. On the other hand, there is evidence that the industry is prone to partnerships and highly dynamic in vertical partnerships. However, there was a need to foster the development of horizontal partnerships in the sector and also partnerships with universities and / or other training / research institutions.

Limitations - The study is preliminary and limited only to the furniture industry which has a very well defined territorial implantation (Paços de Ferreira and Paredes - Portugal, in particular).

Value - This study highlights the importance of partnerships for a potentially exporting sector.


Keywords: Business partnerships, vertical and horizontal systems, furniture industries, small and medium enterprises.

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Portuguese Journal of Finance, Management and Accounting

e-ISSN: 2183-3826

DOI: 10.54663/2183-3826

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